Chessboxing For Science

What does chessboxing have to do with science? Let me tell you a little story...It all started...

A New School Of Thought

How do we learn best? It depends on the individual! In the video below, Salman Khan is demonstrating...

Citizen Scientist 2.0

What does the future of science look like? About a year ago, I was asked this same question...

The Open Science Summit Is Almost Here! (And I Need Your Help!)

“The sweetest and most inoffensive path of life leads through the avenues of science and learning...

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picture for Hank Campbellpicture for Robert H Olleypicture for Camillo Di Ciccopicture for Keith Zimmermanpicture for Wes Sturdevantpicture for Michael White
Andrea KuszewskiRSS Feed of this column.

Andrea is a Behavior Therapist and Consultant for children on the autism spectrum, residing in the state of FL; her background is in cognitive neuroscience and psychology, with expertise in Asperger’s

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"Can neuroscience provide evidence for a liberal and conservative thinking style?

It may seem like a stretch to say that one could predict whether you lean left or right by looking at a brain scan—no questions asked, no opinions voiced—purely based on your neuroanatomy. However, this might not be too far from reality—at least insofar as predicting thinking style, which has been shown to be somewhat distinct based on party association.

People are sometimes surprised to hear that I am both a research scientist and an artist, but I see them as quite similar in purpose, only different medium. They both involve imagination, visualization, and communication of those ideas in a way that makes it accessible and interesting for an intended audience. For me, they go hand-in-hand.

The cover image of Open Laboratory 2010, designed by Andrea Kuszewski
The cover of this year's Open Laboratory 2010, designed by myself, Andrea Kuszewski.
—A Critical Look at Recent Studies of Creativity and Insight—
"All this fires in my soul, and—provided I am not disturbed—my subject enlarges itself, becomes methodized and defined, and in the whole, though it be long, stands almost complete and finished in my mind, so that I can survey it, like a fine picture or a beautiful statue, at a glance..." —Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
science online 2011
If you've ever been a grad student, post-doc, or a research assistant, surely there have been days when you thought, "This is the worst research project on the planet. Is this really science? Does anyone else see how crazy this is? Am I the only one in this lab who speaks English?" And worst of all—"Why the hell am I putting myself through this torture?"

Oh, yeah... a degree. That's right.

So how do you vent your frustrations while maintaining your cool, thus preventing a nervous breakdown and/or expulsion? Channel Lady Gaga like these students did!

Behold: "Bad Project"
This past weekend I attended Science Online 2011—the "un-conference" conference of writers, bloggers, journalists, artists, programmers, and anyone else who uses the internet as a tool for science communication—that gathers to discuss the impact and potential of this new medium in advancing science. There are a few posts I'm preparing that address specific topics from the conference, but first I wanted to mention a very personal experience I had which has completely changed my perspective on the science blogging community, and where my place is in that community.