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New Journalism Tool Reveals How Paid Deniers Dominate The Anti-GMO Movement

A year-long Genetic Literacy Project investigation culminating in the rollout of the Anti-GMO Funding...

Can IARC Be Salvaged?

The IARC monograph program on Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks must be reformed and brought into...

Environmental Working Group, Gary Hirshberg And Organic Activists - All The Influence Money Can Buy

My husband is used to hearing snark about being a lobbyist. As the owner of a lobbying firm in...

There's No Wild Bee Colony Collapse Either

In a dramatic 2013 cover story, Time warned of “A World Without Bees,” subtitled “The...

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The Genetic Literacy Project explores the intersection of DNA research, media and policy to disentangle science from ideology. Link: Read More »


Gary Hirshberg is a bit selective when it comes to transparency and labeling food and ingredients…at least when it applies to his own products.

In a televised interview with Bloomberg earlier this month, Hirshberg–the chairman of Stonyfield Organic and funder of the anti-GMO, pro-labeling Just Label It organization–was asked by a reporter why the company doesn’t give more information about the ingredient on its yoghurt cups: ‘natural flavor.’

Credit: Filip Bunkens/Flickr

By Meredith Knight, Genetic Literacy Project

Who wants a healthy gut? Apparently a lot of people. The probiotics industry is expected to reach $45 billion annually in the next 4 years, just selling add-ons to the bacteria we already walk around with. That’s aside from the billions going into the pharmaceutical and agricultural research and development of the microbiome and its potential for new drugs.

via: The Telegraph

By Jane Palmer, Genetic Literacy Project

Sometimes I think I’ve outsourced my consciousness to Google. Can’t remember something? Google it. Want to remember something? Google Doc it. Want to get noticed? Get on Google News. If Google ever does pull the plug it will take my career, my social life and my memories leaving me a mere shell of an intelligence thinking human being, such is my sad dependent state.

Credit: SAN_DRINO/Flickr

By Meredith Knight, Genetic Literacy Project

Melinda developed breast cancer early in life, age 29. She tested positive for BRCA1, a gene that increases the risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancers significantly.

So, after her treatments and chemo, when she and her husband Matt were able to consider starting their own family, the decision weighed heavily upon them.

Then they learned about pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or PGD.

Chocolate as brain food? Credit: John Loo/Flickr

By Meredith Knight, Genetic Literacy Project

Scanning headlines last week, one may have been persuaded that chocolate consumption preserves and improves memory functions for aging brains. In reality, this news should not inspire the purchase of an extra bag of Halloween candy.

Credit: Goldenrice.org

By XiaoZhi Lim, Genetic Literacy Project

The Green Revolution that began in the 1940s and 50s brought about large increases in crop yields and saved millions of people from mass famine. Yet malnutrition remains widely prevalent around the globe. And, while many people eat enough calories, many do not get enough nutrients.