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New Journalism Tool Reveals How Paid Deniers Dominate The Anti-GMO Movement

A year-long Genetic Literacy Project investigation culminating in the rollout of the Anti-GMO Funding...

Can IARC Be Salvaged?

The IARC monograph program on Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks must be reformed and brought into...

Environmental Working Group, Gary Hirshberg And Organic Activists - All The Influence Money Can Buy

My husband is used to hearing snark about being a lobbyist. As the owner of a lobbying firm in...

There's No Wild Bee Colony Collapse Either

In a dramatic 2013 cover story, Time warned of “A World Without Bees,” subtitled “The...

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The Genetic Literacy Project explores the intersection of DNA research, media and policy to disentangle science from ideology. Link: Read More »


By Val Giddings, Genetic Literacy Project

With little fanfare, last summer the U.S. Fish  &  Wildlife Service announced it would formally ban the use of seeds treated with neonicotinoid pesticides, (a newer, safer generation of seed treatments to protect against pests) and the use of crops improved through biotechnology throughout the fish and wildlife refuge system.

By Sarah King, Genetic Literacy Project

Since the discovery in 2004 of Homo floresiensis, an ancient hominid nicknamed “Flo” and also “hobbit”, after the diminutive villagers from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, due to her small size relative to modern humans, much debate has been raised over the origins of the species.

By Robert Wager, Genetic Literacy Project

There is tremendous controversy about genetically modified (GM) crops and derived food. Even the definition of what is a GM crop can differ depending upon with whom you talk. From a strictly scientific perspective all food has been manipulated at the genetic level by human activity; therefore all foods are genetically modified.

A more scientifically precise term for what goes by the popular term GMOs is genetically engineered (GE). This definition involves the use of recombinant DNA technology in the crop breeding process.

Credit: Yamanaka Tamaki/Flickr

By Meredith Knight, Genetic Literacy Project
by Marc Brazeau, Genetic Literacy Project

Next week, the Environmental Protection Agency is set to approve Enlist Duo–a new herbicide formulation that combines two popular herbicides, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup), which are used to control weeds.

By Ben Locwin, Genetic Literacy Project

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was just awarded to three neuroscientists for refining some past research and developing some pioneering new results to understand how our brains keep track of where we are spatially.
