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Is Hydroxychloroquine The Cure To Alzheimer’s?

Alzhiemer’s, the most common form of dementia, is increasingly prevalent....

A Boom In Carbon Capture Is Upon Us, But The Impact On Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Uncertain

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), the process of separating, treating and transporting carbon dioxide...

How Generative AI Is Transforming Healthcare

The world is aging. After centuries of relentless growth, many advanced economies are getting older...

AI And The End Of Human Exceptionalism

Over the last two years, generative AI has smashed our ideas of what intelligence means, what AI...

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Retired geologist and earth scientist, specialising in ore deposits and isotope geochemistry. Before retirement, I led the Australian government's pre-competitive geoscience programs for minerals... Read More »

Artwork is one of the newest purchasable commodities on the crypto market, thanks to a new technology known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NPR informs us that an NFT is a crypto token that isn't interchangeable but is tied to a specific commodity. The easiest way to think about them is an analog to how they're being used. For the first time in its history, blockchains can be used to hold and trade collectibles. Yet, the trade of these collectible tokens brings with it some alarming environmental concerns.

Tons of Power Consumption