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How QbD Can Drive Innovation And Quality In Pharmaceuticals

Quality by Design (QbD) is  a decade-long approach that was first introduced by quality expert...

The Nobel Prize And The Role Of AI In Scientific Advancement

The 2024 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton, who many have...

How Social Media Affects Young People

Last year, the American Psychological Association (APA) issued a health advisory on the use of...

Humans Age In Two Bursts, At 44 And 60

Aging is not a smooth and gradual process....

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Mark PierceRSS Feed of this column.

Retired geologist and earth scientist, specialising in ore deposits and isotope geochemistry. Before retirement, I led the Australian government's pre-competitive geoscience programs for minerals... Read More »


Inquiry-based learning is at the heart of the controversial

Alzhiemer’s, the most common form of dementia, is increasingly prevalent.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), the process of separating, treating and transporting carbon dioxide (CO

The world is aging. After centuries of relentless growth, many advanced economies are getting older, and even in poorer nations, the share of elderly people is rising. Larger and older populations are creating historic pressures on health care systems across the world.

Over the last two years, generative AI has smashed our ideas of what intelligence means, what AI can and cannot do, and of our place in the cosmos. A two-thousand year old journey from Aristotle to today, has culminated in a moment where human exceptionalism has finally been challenged.

Physics is one of the most remarkable scientific subjects there is. It incorporates many incredible discoveries, like The Quantum Leap, the Law of Falling Bodies, Universal Gravitation, and the Laws of Motion.