Hi there, I'm Patrick and I'm one of the principal developers on ScientificBlogging.com - that means if the site mysteriously crashed, I likely did it. This column is around to help introduce / discuss new features, and talk about what Science 2.0 looks like from a functional perspective.

On the plate today is the new editor features we've uploaded to the site, allowing for more embedded media in your articles, and I'm going to cover some of the important details of what's changed.


Icon Source: http://www.pinvoke.com/
As you can see, we've updated the appearance of the buttons on the editor to make them a bit more clear. The music icon is for your media files, and the video icon is for your video codes.

Media Files

We've added some new capabilities to the media file uploader. Hank seems to think that some of you might want to upload podcasts (maybe audio versions of your column for people with iPods), or huge PDF documents that relate to your article. The maximum file size is 20MB, but be warned that uploading something that big might take a while.

You can also upload .zip files using this editor; they are subject to the same file size restriction.

A Note on Uploaded Media Files:

When you upload something using the Media Files form, you'll notice that it looks like this:

Because of how our editor works, it's not recommended to erase the whole text and rewrite it, as it will lose the link to your new file. For best results, only replace the text inside the brackets and leave the brackets as they are.

Embedding Videos

Aside from the prettier look, the only real thing that has changed is a shameless plug for our video site.