It is sometimes said that top people in their fields are 'a mile deep and a yard wide' because they lack perspective about the broader world.
Dr. Judit Nadal, 47, director of the Proteomics Facility at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London, was politically correct - she was driving an electric car, a blue G-Wiz, when she died. It basically disintegrated when another car hit it because she pulled into traffic without looking.
Worse, she was on the phone. "She said 'I think I made a mistake'," her husband said. Worse, she wasn't wearing a seat belt. "I suspect she was not using a seatbelt - she quite often didn't - because she was quite a vain woman. She did not want to crumple her coat and found it quite uncomfortable."
Well, the seat belt would have made no difference. Th G-Wiz is clearly not a car designed for anyone over the age of 5.
Top Scientist Dies In Car Crash Using A Cellphone With No Seat Belt On