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Feeling no pain: plants were first to let it happen

Age of Herbals somewhere  during  1565 in this part of globe saw many medical man searching...

Sitopaladi churna is an ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold

Sitopaladi churna is an ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold and sneezing nose. A little portion...

Ethnobotany and Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi)

The term 'ethnobotany' was first applied by Harshberger in 1895 to the study of plants used by...

Gene, gene expression, gene silencing and RNAi

Gene Expression?–What is a Gene?A gene codes for a homogeneous ‘functional unit’ – classically...

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Professor Emeritus ,Former Head of the Department of Botany, and Director Life Sciences, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 302004, India At present freelance consultant with Bioenergia. Spain and... Read More »

Establishment of  Green Climate Fund, which will eventually gather and disburse finance amounting to $100bn per year to help poor countries develop cleanly and adapt to climate impacts may provide money to some persons . However is there any concrete plan put before the committee how to manage this fund ? Can money generate green plants ? There are two aspects of green house gas mitigation: adaptation and mitigation. Millions of dollars are wasted in organizing 5 star or 7 star conferences with people not even recognizing one tree in the field. We shall save much pollution of organization of annual " conferences " take place in "natural surroundings" and "people" become familiar with the green plants.

Ayurvedic medicines are basically derived from the Vedic literature and plants of family Fabaceae have special importance in the Ayurvedic medicines.The family Fabaceae popularly known as legumes, is the third largest order of seed-plants containing about 600 genera with 12,000 species. They are usually arranged in three well defined sub families and they are Papilionaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae.

Green house gas mitigation has become a business and unfortunately different interests clash in this manner. Asking for funds ? Global fund ? Some more offices ? Some more five star conferences with executives traveling first class. Spending lavish money on conferences in 7 star hotels in poor countries. Calling top level CEO , NGO, heads of states and coming to no conclusions has become order of the day.  Such conferences produce no results and increase global polarization of interests only as the real issues are side tracked. Participation from real workers is ignored and its more "official " thing far away from ground realities.  


Japan has one of the world’s best Institute of Natural Medicine  headed by Professor Dr  Komatsu in Toyama and her team of dedicated workers at University of Toyama.    It houses natural medicine covering various systems of Traditional Medicine practiced  in the world. Drug companies are in regular contact with research Institutes in developing traditional medicines to commercial level. 

Whatever people may ascribe the reason for the long age in Japan  I am of the  opinion that the  world must learn from Japan how to keep the environment clean and make healthy surroundings despite the  lack of space, heavily congested colonies and heavy industrialization. Even the smallest areas have gardens, in different levels. No rocks are cut to make sculptures and food is as near to nature as possible.