Melville on Science vs. Creation Myth

From Melville's under-appreciated Mardi: On a quest for his missing love Yillah, an AWOL sailor...

Non-coding DNA Function... Surprising?

The existence of functional, non-protein-coding DNA is all too frequently portrayed as a great...

Yep, This Should Get You Fired

An Ohio 8th-grade creationist science teacher with a habit of branding crosses on his students'...

No, There Are No Alien Bar Codes In Our Genomes

Even for a physicist, this is bad: Larry Moran, in preparation for the appropriate dose of ridicule...

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Welcome to Adaptive Complexity, where I write about genomics, systems biology, evolution, and the connection between science and literature, government, and society.

I'm a biochemist

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New advances in DNA sequencing technology have been receiving a lot of press, but mostly in the context of how DNA sequencing is going to make personalized medicine possible. Your physician will some day be able to prescribe drugs and give you advice on disease prevention, all based on a reading of your DNA. Obviously that day is not here quite yet; however, the amazing power of next-generation DNA sequencing is already transforming what goes on in a biology lab.

To see this, we can take a look at an old technology and look at the changes it has gone through, from its pre-genome-era state in the 80's and 90's, to its transformation into a genome-scale tool around the turn of the millennium, to its latest incarnation during this emerging era of massive, cheap DNA sequencing. This technology, called chromatin immunoprecipitation (or ChIP), has been a critical tool in studies of how genes are regulated. ChIP, in its current, next-generation DNA sequencing form, is opening up some stunning new approaches to studying gene regulation.

I spent last week at the 2008 Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology meeting at the University of Toronto. Don't be fooled by the name: this conference isn't about yeast in and of itself; it's about tackling basic problems in biology. Unfortunately the science and beer were overwhelming, and my evening internet access non-existent, so blogging suffered. But I did have a great time hanging out with our Canadian colleagues, and they put on a great meeting. The only problem is that Canadians appear to be excessively punctual: as soon as coffee break was over, the catering people literally dumped the coffee in the streets, instead of allowing the stragglers an extra cup. But I can't complain too much.

Part 1 on The Plausibility of Life

Darwin is famous for convincingly arguing that natural selection can explain why living things have features that are well-matched to the environment they live in. In the popular consciousness, evolution is often thought of as natural selection acting on random mutations to produce the amazing tricks and traits found in the living world. But “random mutation” isn’t quite right - when we describe evolution like this, we pass over a key problem that Darwin was unable to solve, a problem which today is one of the most important questions in biology. This key problem is the issue of variation, which is what biologists really mean when they talk about natural selection acting on random mutations. Variation and mutation are not the same thing, but they are connected. How they are connected is the most important issue covered Kirschner and Gerhart’s The Plausbility of Life. It is an issue Darwin recognized, but couldn’t solve in those days before genetics really took off as a science.

Natural selection really works on organisms, not directly on mutations: a particular cheetah survives better than other cheetahs because it can run faster, not because it has a DNA base ‘G’ in a particular muscle gene. A domesticated yeast can survive in wine barrel because of how it metabolizes sugar, not because of the DNA sequence of a metabolism gene. I know what you’re thinking: this is just a semantic game over proximal causes. But this is not just semantics, it is a real scientific problem: what is the causal chain that leads from genotype to phenotype, that is, from an individual organism’s DNA sequence, mutations included, to the actual physical or physiological traits of the complete organism?

Every scientist wants to be an iconoclast, but most end up doing rather conventional work. Understandably, because it takes a special sort of nerve to risk your career and reputation on an idea or approach that could be very, very wrong - so wrong that it would be tough to recover from. And yet risk-taking is often at the root of the best science. The historians of science Oren Harman and Michel Dietrich take a look at what makes scientific risk-takers tick (subscription required).
Yes, it's possible, according to John Hawks (who writes an excellent blog):
So, I can say without any doubt (if other examples had not been sufficient), it is absolutely possible to write a daily, high-profile blog and still be recognized by your colleagues as a scholar. In fact, it is possible to blog, do good research, and earn tenure at a Research I university.
It's a multi-part series, so keep checking his blog to learn the secrets of getting tenure.
OK, I'm about to dive into an issue I probably shouldn't be talking about on a blog, at least if I have any hope of convincing a hiring committee to consider me, but I'm going to dumbly rush ahead. John Tierney at the NY Times has been looking into the issue of whether Congress is considering "Title IX'ing" science, by requiring some sort of gender quota in funding decisions by federal science agencies. Tierney argues that in this day and age, it is less a matter of discrimination and more a matter of which subjects women choose to pursue: "The members of Congress and women’s groups who have pushed for science to be “Title Nined” say there is evidence that women face discrimination in certain sciences, but the quality of that evidence is disputed. Critics say there is far better research showing that on average, women’s interest in some fields isn’t the same as men’s."