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Bente Lilja Bye
About Bente Lilja Earth science expert and astrophysicist writes about Earth observation, geodesy, climate change, geohazards, water cycle and other science related topics.

Today I do research and provide expert advise to public and private organizations through my company BLB. Prior to that I was Research Director at the Norwegian Mapping Authority and I spent a decade in the Norwegian Research Council. My current focus is Earth observations and their role in various societal applications. My research has been centred around geodesy particularly related to climate change, natural hazards and early warning systems.

BLB is contributing to The Group on Earth Observations working on various aspects of data management, user engagement and mobilization of resources.

Bente Lilja Bye is the founder of BLB
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Recommended Books
New Trends in Earth-Science B. L. Bye and K. Fontaine
Global Geodetic Observing Hans-Peter Plag and Michael Pearlman (Eds)
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