Encounters With Giant Sharks In The Arctic

It was one of these extremely rare days of calms seas far north in the world. When visiting the...

On Water And Subsidence In Mexico City

Mexico City has the best hotel shower ever. I am not one to spend a long time in the shower, but...

Citizen Science Then And Now. Want To Play The Game?

Our cabin is situated in one of the most remote places in Norway. My family got the place in the...

World Biodiversity Day: Wetlands, Biodiversity And The Role Of Earth Observations

It is somehow ingrained in my body, I think. The appreciation of biodiversity. I know I love wetlands...

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Earth science expert and astrophysicist writes about Earth observation, geodesy, climate change, geohazards, water cycle and other science related topics.

Today I do research and provide... Read More »


New series of webinars on Earth observations and the water cycle – Check details at the end of this article.

We, the people, have understood. We've got it. Too much CO2 is spewed out in the atmosphere!  The problem is that we, the people, understood this like 'a million' years ago. I wish those who scream '400 ppm, 400 ppm, 400 ppm!'  now would have understood that screaming 400 ppm, 400 ppm, 400 ppm! does not inspire people to act. It only makes the fanatics join the choirs of screaming and the rest of us to shrug our shoulders and say 'Oh, here they go again!
Horseback riding hasn't been my favourite activity. Not that I do not like horses, au contraire. I have also tried various kinds of horseback riding; like cowboys on the prairie in Texas and New Mexico; on Icelandic horses in Iceland and I did ride an equestrian horse or two too. But I was not able to perform any equestrianism on them, or act equestrian myself for that matter!

Beijing Equestrian Masters
And so here it is, the first public Landsat 8 image. The geographical honours goes to Wyoming and Colorado and the area where the Great Plains meets the Rocky Mountains in USA.

I wrote about the torturing excitement and suspense when NASA and USGS launched Landsat 8 in February. The success of this launch secured an even longer record of continuous Earth observations from the Landsat program. Continuity is extremely important for climate change studies as well as other application areas.

Planet Earth is a magnificent planet and that is an understatement! I think it looks particularly good from space, although I do appreciate the daily close-ups I am literally living in here at the edge of the woods in Norway.

Some say that the little blue dot is one of the most important images ever taken, showing how truly small we are, not only us individually, but in fact our entire planet. It is so small it is not even noise as I love to say, making a point of my background from astrophysics.
Gas looks so pretty in space, don't you agree?