Even After Getting Cancer, Quitting Cigarettes Leads To Greater Longevity

Cigarettes are the top lifestyle risk factor for getting cancer, though alcohol and obesity have...

Non-Europeans Opt Out Of Genomic Databases, Leading To Lack Of Diversity

When Senator Elizabeth Warren had her claims of native ancestry debunked by DNA testing, it was...

Testicular Cancer Treatment: What Is The Gold Standard?

Testicular cancer is the most common solid tumor in young men, with approximately 10,000 diagnoses...

Smarter Soybeans Mean Affordable Food In Poorer Regions

It is easy for wealthy countries to spend $135 billion on an organic food process that uses higher...

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The prototype of a catalytic reactor, an electrolyzer, uses carbon dioxide as its feedstock and produces high concentrations of formic acid, pure liquid fuel. 

In tests, the new electrocatalyst reached an energy conversion efficiency of about 42%. That means nearly half of the electrical energy can be stored in formic acid as liquid fuel. Formic acid produced by traditional carbon dioxide devices needs costly and energy-intensive purification steps.

Prevailing sexual economics belief posits that women have less sexual bargaining power as they age. But Baumeister and Vohs' 2004 Sexual Economic Theory (it's a proper name, like String Theory, even though it isn't really a theory, also like String Theory) was built on the assumption that sexual (reproductive) access is an intrinsically valued commodity, the supply of which is controlled by younger women.

But in the modern era sex is about more than procreation, and survey results show older women are not in a worse position. And if the women are bisexual or pansexual, they even have more power than men who are such.
Aspirin is fine for headaches but like much of epidemiological correlation that suggests cause and effect, link aspirin to fewer heart attacks has been nothing but a subsidy for companies. New results of the ASPREE trial presented today at ESC Congress 2019 show it doesn't help older people even if they are in the highest risk of cardiovascular disease.

In America, where we have created pre-diabetes to try and convince people they are already ill and need medication, an aspirin regimen is common, due to belief it helps prevent cardiovascular disease. That is not the case in Europe for people who do not have free from cardiovascular disease  because there is increased risk of major bleeding (doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106).
The colorful Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) occur when charged particles from the sun interact with gases in Earth’s during darker winter months in high-latitude regions like Alaska, Scandinavia, and Iceland but a geomagnetic storm predicted for this weekend could result in aurora sightings even in Montana.

When particles from the sun interact with Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere and gases like oxygen and nitrogen, they gain energy and later release it, creating the light shows.

Late in the prehistoric Silurian Period, around 420 million years ago, a devastating mass extinction event wiped 23 percent of all marine animals from the face of the planet.

For years, scientists struggled to connect a mechanism to this mass extinction, one of the 10 most dramatic ever recorded in Earth's history. Now, researchers have confirmed that this event, referred to by scientists as the Lau/Kozlowskii extinction, was triggered by an all-too-familiar culprit: rapid and widespread depletion of oxygen in the global oceans.

We hear a lot about a crisis in organ donations but a whole lot of patients who died waiting for transplants got organs offered, but their transplant teams declined - and someone lower on the list got the transplant instead.

Candidates who died without a transplant received a median of 16 offers (over 651 days) while waitlisted.

And most patients were never made aware they got an offer at all.