I believe it is a temporary problem -I have experienced the same situation in the past- but I feel swamped by a few things that have piled up. So today, rather than reading on a new physics result or a new article on the arxiv, you are going to find here a list of the things I am not attending in order to write this short post. In random order:
- I have a undergraduate thesis to correct.
- I also need to write a reference letter for him, by next Sunday.
- There is a 100 pages paper in internal review by CDF and I am a member of the review committee.
- I need to finish a paper on the Look-Elsewhere effect, and meanwhile a quite similar effort by two distinguished statisticians from ATLAS appeared on the arxiv.
- I need to answer a question for the CMS statistics committee.
- I need to answer two further questions by people I pretend to be helping in their analysis work.
- I have about 800 unread messages in my mailbox, and they do not look like spam.
- I have lost touch with all the blogs I pretend to be following.
- There is a book proposal languishing on my desktop.
- There is another book which requires revision and some rewriting.
- I have not managed to start analyzing the 7 TeV data from CMS yet
- The Higgs analysis that my PhD student is bringing forward is not receiving any help from my side
- And I could go on... and on...