So the search, performed in a total of 2.7 inverse femtobarns of collisions -that is about three hundred trillions of them- focuses on the fact that in a non-minimal scenario, Supersymmetry might give rise to not just five, but seven Higgs bosons. And some of them might be light and have still escaped detection so far: much lighter than the W and Z boson, in fact lighter than twice the mass of the b-quark. The LEP experiments have in truth excluded the existence of CP-odd Higgs bosons (called A particles) in a wide range of masses, but they could not reach down to masses below 9 GeV or so.
The analysis is beautiful, but too long for me to discuss it here. Suffices, for today, to show below its results. In the figure you can see the limit on the branching fraction of the decay
The upper limits above, which for generality assume that all charged Higgs bosons decay into a W boson and a A boson, and that all A bosons decay into pairs of tau leptons, constitute the first experimental bound on the said process. If the A and H+ bosons exist, and the A has a mass of 7 to 9 GeV, the decay cannot be very frequent: not more than 10-15% of top decays may then produce charged Higgs bosons, or CDF would have seen them.
Kudos to the authors for this new interesting result! More information on the analysis may be found in the public web page of CDF the search.