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Marijuana For ADHD?

Cannabis and THC, its main psychoactive compound, have been endorsed by people suffering from anxiety...

Rutgers Study - Forcing DEI Programs On People Increases Hostility

If you have done nothing wrong, do you want to be treated like a criminal? That was always the...

Minnesota Trial Lawyers Want To Ban Neonics - Here Is Why That Is A Mistake

Minnesota is having a challenging year, so challenging they are approaching California as the wackiest...

The Toxic Masculinity Of Disney Movies

Once upon a time, stories were just stories. They were fantasies that took people to a new world...

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I founded Science 2.0® in 2006 and since then it has become the world's largest independent science communications site, with over 300,000,000 direct readers and reach approaching one billion. Read More »

I'm no expert on shaving products or Australians(1) but this new Wilkinson Sword Quattro for Women Bikini thingie, with a razor on one end and a waterproof bikini trimmer on the other, is not supposed to be used on cats.   I am sure of it.   Yet, right there at the end of this video, a pussy is clearly shaved.

I am all for science breaking the laws of nature and stuff but shaving animals for sport is just wrong.

(1) The Land Down Under.
On March 30th, Josh Witten told us about a new site, The Jenny McCarthy Body Count.  He's apparently not a fan of Jenny, no matter what she looks like.   I am not sure I understand that kind of thinking but whatever...

On April 2nd, uber-blogger of Discover Phil Plait/Bad Astronomer tackled the same issue.
Okay, I am going to do something that will cost me my Republican voter card - I am going to recommend we reopen a government agency, the  Office of Technology Assessment (OTA).
 As I briefly laid out in The Science Of Baseball: Coefficients And Happy Haitians, people like home runs though baseball purists don't necessarily think much of them - unless their team gets one.
Important business has taken me out of sunny California and across the country to the slightly warmer March days of Florida; baseball spring training.

I maintain an affection for spring training even though I no longer live in a winter climate where a few days of sunshine after 5 months of cold can truly be appreciated.    But I spent my childhood in Florida, in a baseball haven aptly called Dodgertown, so cold climate or not baseball in spring is a necessary ritual.   It gives me a reminder I haven't seen my family in a year and spring baseball is somehow both better and worse than regular season baseball, when it becomes more of a business and obviously played by the best of the best.

Discover jumped into science blogging on a national scale last year when they hired the awesome Phil Plait, our favorite Bad Astronomer, to be their anchor and then boosted their credibility when they lured respected journalist Carl Zimmer from Seed Media's Scienceblogs.com property, along with the Cosmic Variance folks and others.