The build was very simple (see picture above). I used the following parts from my Lego optics lab:
1 Green baseplate 48 X 48 studs
1 Lego optics lab cell phone/iPod mount
2 Lego optics lab small lens holders
2 Magnifying lenses (I used two convex lenses from the computer projector I took apart)
It turns out that it is so easy to build a stereograph viewer that I really didn’t need the lens holders and could use a pair of dollar store reading glasses. The cardboard divider is optional if you have trouble relaxing your eyes like you would to view those 3D “Magic Eye” images. Otherwise the cardboard divider isn’t necessary.
Creating a stereograph is pretty easy too. I used an app from Google Play called 3DSteroid. The app lets you make a stereograph by taking two pictures of the same object. You snap the first picture, then move the camera one or two inches to the right, and snap a second picture of the same object. The app then stitches the left and right images together in a single image.
My tabletop studio setup.
Single picture of scarecrow.
Steroegraph of scarecrow.
Best wishes to all for the New Year.