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First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters

One of the now rare species of oysters in the Pacific Northwest is the Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida...

Zenaspis: Lower Devonian Bony Fish Of Podolia, Ukraine

A Devonian bony fish mortality plate showing a lower shield of Zenaspis podolica (Lankester, 1869)...

Oil in Water Beauty: Euhoplites of Folkstone

Sheer beauty — a beautiful Euhoplites ammonite from Folkstone, UK. These lovelies have a pleasing...

Carnotaurus sastrei: Flesh Eating Bull

Carnotaurus sastrei, a genus of large theropod dinosaurs that roamed the southern tip of Argentina...

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Musings in Natural History—meant to captivate, educate and inspire.
Palaeontology & Life Sciences—History & Indigenous Culture

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Pterosaurs, the mighty winged-lizards, soared ancient skies expertly hunting for prey. Because they evolved from reptiles prior to modern birds, it was once believed that pterosaurs were primitive, passive fliers. They were seen as gliders, rather than skillfull hunters.

Enjoy star gazing? Lucky enough to be in the northern hemisphere August 11th and 12th?

Plant fossils from the Okanagan highlands, an area centred in the Interior of British Columbia, provide important clues to an ancient climate.

Hornby, one of the northern Gulf Islands on the west coast of British Columbia, has some of the best preserved fossil specimens of the Pacific Northwest. Many species of ammonites, bivalves and their marine compatriots can be found in the Upper Cretaceous shales and concretions of the Lambert Formation.

L.A. paleontologists are heading to the mall but shopping is not top of mind. Zed, a nearly complete pleistocene mammoth has been unearthed by scientists from the George C. Page Museum from fossil rich deposits in an ancient river bed below the old May Co parking lot in the upscale Miracle Mile shopping district. The massive mammoth is 80% complete and sports tusks 10-feet long.