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Alun Salt
About Alun I'm currently writing up corrections to a thesis on the archaeoastronomy of Greek temples in Sicily. Basically I was looking to see if there was an astronomical correlation with the temple alignments and, if there was, if this was an 'astronomical fingerprint', which could be used to track ethnicity in the Greek colonisation of Sicily. Amongst other things, I found that actually it probably makes no sense to talk about 'colonisation' in the 8th century BC. The archaeological record doesn't support it, and the historical record doesn't start till the end of the 5th century BC. The next step will be papers, papers, papers, so I doubt I'll be blogging here properly till May.
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Alun's Articles This is a list of the latest articles and blog entries that Alun has written. Pantheon Astronomy II (Sometimes you can be too accurate)Light in the Pantheon And Ancient Astronomy Click here to read all of Alun's articles.
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