Stop eating your pet's food

Apparently people are eating their pet's food, and they're getting salmonella poisoning in return...

A scientific reference manual for US judges

Science and our legal system intersect frequently and everywhere - climate, health care, intellectual...

Rainbow connection

On the way to work this morning, I noticed people pointing out the train window and smiling. From...

Neutrinos on espresso

Maybe they stopped by Starbucks for a little faster-than-the-speed-of-light pick me up....

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A scientist and journalist by training, I enjoy all things science, especially science-related humor. My column title is a throwback to Jane Austen's famous first line in Pride and Prejudice

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Rocket science, it isn't: eating at restaurants is typically a more caloric experience than if you prepare foods at home.1

However, the new health care law has a provision that may help customers make more informed choices about the calorie content of their food. The law requires that any restaurant chain with at least 20 outlets post calorie counts for all the food items they sell. This affects about 200,000 restaurants nationwide, WSJ reports. The general idea is that it could help consumers make decisions that will change their behavior and lead to more healthy eating habits.
The "humble hooter" could be added to the list of features used to identify an individual, according to scientists at the University of Bath.

Researchers created a system called PhotoFace to scan the shape of volunteers' noses, and developed computer software to analyse the results. The PhotoFace system "captures a 3D image of a person's face by taking several photos lit from different angles to throw shadows on the face and then building a model of facial features," according to the article in "The software determined that there are six main nose shapes: Roman, Greek, Nubian, Hawk, Snub and Turn-up."
This has nothing to do with science, unless you count sci-fi as science. But I loved it, which is reason enough for me to post it.

"Using a ring to bind someone you covet into your dark and twisted world? Wow, just got the subtext there. Also, the apparently eager Beyoncé would've made one badass Nazgȗl."

Ah, xkcd. You are a shining light on the grey clouds of morning. By the way, Big Bang Theory just aired an episode on Lord of the Rings. Catch highlights here.
We have the Rust Belt and Bible Belt and Sun Belt and Dairy Belt and Corn Belt and all sorts of other belts in the US, but this is the first I've heard of the Beer Belt. Or, more appropriately, the Beer Belly.

The geniuses behind my most recent obsession, the blog, used Google Maps to create a map of the country showing where, if you really love bars, you should live.

References to bars versus grocery stories
The jokes just write themselves, really. But poor sanitation is no laughing matter, especially if you're one of the 2.6 billion people on Earth without access to a toilet. And for pennies on the dollar, a Swedish entrepreneur is hoping to help that 40% of the world's population in more ways than one.
Imagine a child, standing in a school cafeteria. We'll assume that this child has reached or surpassed the age of reason (7 years old, for non-Catholics out there), meaning they can understand their choices and therefore can make the wrong choice along with the right one.

In front of this lovely child is a vending machine filled with tempting soda1 and sports drinks and other such calorie-laden, battery-acid-by-another-name, neatly packaged consumables.