Pantelleria, Its Magma Chamber And Possible Impact On Global Climate

My friend has written a paper on Pantelleria (which I am a co-author of), and I thought it was...

The Rapid Timescales Of Caldera Volcanism

A new study in Nature shows that Santorini may have reactivated roughly a century before the Minoan...

A Geologist's Experience (Accretionary Wedge 41)

For the 41st Accretionary Wedge Ron Schott asked for "the most memorable or significant geological...

The Changing Composition Of The Eyjafjallajökull Eruption

As I have a long train journey and not much to do, I can use it to write about this recent open...

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For those of you who are not geologists, a tuff is a volcanic rock, made up of solidified ash. Hence the pun as my blog title. Actually, my research involves very little tuffs. Lots of lavas,... Read More »

There isn't really much geologically significant about this photo, other than that the castle is Made of stone.  However, I wanted to finish this week of photos instigated by Evelyn in Wales, and earlier today I was in Aberystwyth and I snapped this photo.

This week has been fun, looking through my photos has brought back quite a few memories.  I will get back to science soon, I have a post on Eyjafjallajörkull already lined up.

Aberystwyth Castle

Earlier photos:
A photo from France today, the penultimate day of Evelyn's photo a day week. I apologise if this is a little late, I am writing this from the first train of my 13 hour epic journey home for Christmas, and I am somewhat lacking in internet. At least this year there is little snow to cause “travel chaos”...
I'm getting my geophoto today in early, as it is the lab's Christmas party tonight...

Today's photo is of Iguazú Falls, which straddle the Argentina/Brazil border (spelt Iguaçu on the Brazilian side).
For Thursday's contribution to Evelyn's photo meme, I present the Isle of Skye.
Day three of Evelyn's geophoto a day, and today we are in Greece.

This photo was taken early one winters day as we were preparing to head out into the field.  At first glance, the geology in this picture is not obvious, unless you know a little of the geology of mainland Greece.  Greece is being stretched, and this leads to a series of normal faults.  One side of these faults is raised up, the other drops down.  The Gulf of Evia, pictured below, was formed by one of these faults.  It is still growing today, slowly.
Day two of Evelyn Mervine's photo meme, and today I have a picture of Ngauruhoe, New Zealand.  Ngauruhoe makes almost a perfect cone, broken only at the top by a small crater.  This photo was taken from the summit, looking north.  A small amount of steam can be seen rising from Ngauruhoe itself, showing this volcano is far from dead.  Further in the background is part of Tongariro, the larger volcanic complex that Ngauruhoe is just one vent of.  In the distance is lake Taupo, which is itself a large, volcanic caldera