Pantelleria, Its Magma Chamber And Possible Impact On Global Climate

My friend has written a paper on Pantelleria (which I am a co-author of), and I thought it was...

The Rapid Timescales Of Caldera Volcanism

A new study in Nature shows that Santorini may have reactivated roughly a century before the Minoan...

A Geologist's Experience (Accretionary Wedge 41)

For the 41st Accretionary Wedge Ron Schott asked for "the most memorable or significant geological...

The Changing Composition Of The Eyjafjallajökull Eruption

As I have a long train journey and not much to do, I can use it to write about this recent open...

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For those of you who are not geologists, a tuff is a volcanic rock, made up of solidified ash. Hence the pun as my blog title. Actually, my research involves very little tuffs. Lots of lavas,... Read More »

Like Evelyn Mervine over at the Georneys blog, I have been neglecting this blog a little this past week (although I don't have as good an excuse as she does, I was just having fun...).  I do like the idea of posting a geology photo each day this week, so I have accepted her invitation to join her.
In this post, I want to set off on a voyage, a voyage to visit some of the less well-known volcanoes of the world.  I'll take a look as some volcanoes you may not of heard of, and it will also be a bit of a learning experience for me as I read a bit more about these places.  These sort of things usually need a gimmick, so I thought I'd go with an old-fashioned a-to-z.  As is customary, I start with an A: Aniakchak.
Given that there has been some recent interest in Uturuncu in the media, when
As my last few blogs have been a bit heavy on the science, I thought I'd write something a bit lighter.  So here are some pretty pictures of the fieldwork for master's project, when I went to Pantelleria to measure the CO2 degassing that was occurring there.

Favare Grande | Fitzgabbro | Flickr
Favare Grande, a fumarole on Pantelleria.
In the first part of this look at magma chambers, I talked about some of the processes that dominate what goes on beneath an active volcano.  The twin actions of fractionation and assimilation were what preoccupied the early researchers, however more recently we've realised things are a little more complicated than that.  In this part I want to take a closer look at some of those intricacies.
This post is the first of a new series I plan to write, on the techniques used to study and monitor volcanoes.  The reason science is the best method we have of investigating the world around us is not so much what we know, but how we know it.  I thought I'd start with a technique that always amazes me; we can measure centimetres of ground deformation over an area of many square kilometres, from an altitude of 800 km.  Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, InSAR for short.