There are no coincidences...yup, I had to laugh after signing up for this blog a couple minutes ago. In my description I wrote that curiosity killed the cat and that's why they have nine lives. To collect as much data to use for the next 'trip'. Then after you sign up you're brought to the 'rules''s what made me laugh:
2. Who can write here? - Most of our writers are prominent book authors, professors and post-docs but anyone can write here. The only restriction is you have to write about science. We don't get into defining what is science and what isn't science. It's self-evident in most cases. Poems about your cat, for example, are not science but an article on information theory using cats is. If you look at the categories and can't find where your article would fit, tell us we need a new category.
Do we have something against cats? lol kidding...I get it!
Later Self!
I don't BLOG