Knee Point Prediction And Battery Capacity Degradation

Electric cars and solar and wind energy alternative schemes have a few crippling limitations; low...

MicroRNA And The Microprocessor Inside You

Since being discovered in 1993, microRNAs have gone on to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine...

What Next For Messenger RNA (mRNA)? Maybe Inhalable Vaccines

No one likes getting a needle but most want a vaccine. A new paper shows progress for messenger...

Toward A Single Dose Smallpox And Mpox Vaccine With No Side Effects

Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his US followers over the last 25 years have staunchly opposed...

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New results show that the number of reported cancer cases in the National Cancer Database during the COVID-19 pandemic declined by 14.4 percen, which means over 200,000 cancer cases were not diagnosed and/or treated.

The reasons were unclear, perhaps concern about catching COVID-19 or being symptomatic but not wanting to go to the doctor because of media claims about those unable to get care for SARS-CoV-2. The results are more obvious; a lot of people are at greater risk. 
New research shows that dairy products have made life easier for thousands of years. Even in places that are a challenge for anyone, like the Tibetan Plateau - the “roof of the world.”

Genetic engineering due to natural selection at several genomic loci certainly made early Tibetans better able to survive high elevations, but those did nothing for calorie requirements. A new study finds that dairy made it possible. Ancient proteins from the dental calculus of 40 human individuals from 15 sites across the interior plateau show that dairying was introduced onto the hinterland plateau by at least 3,500 years ago.
Bud Light may create a marketing campaign to try and increase its brand but when it comes to pricing, experimentation isn't needed. If you want the most sales, target people who shop prices.

It is certainly true that if you have a product during a fad wave, you can charge more. Or, if supplies of a product are scarce, prices will be higher. Yet limited supply means limited revenue. The big money is instead in those who are price shoppers. 
To make solar power viable, there need to be gigantic installations in remote locations. Then there need to be new power lines equivalent to every paved road in America. Then the grid needs to be modernized with battery storage.

None of that is happening any time soon but what may spur at least grid improvements is the reliance on natural gas. Though alternative energy gets mandates and subsidies conventional fuel supplies 80 percent of American energy, but natural gas needs energy to get from place to place. While most of that is still, fittingly, supplied by natural gas, in places where it is supplied by electricity, or even less reliable solar electricity, pipelines are far more subject to outages.
In what they are calling the first study to systematically identify aggressive driving behaviors, a team believe they have measured the changes in driving that occur in an aggressive state.

Obviously non-professional aggressive drivers drive faster and make more mistakes than non-aggressive drivers, they put other road users at risk. They also pose a challenge to engineers working on self-driving car technology. UK officials claim that 80 percent of UK road deaths are “predominantly caused by dangerous and reckless drivers.”
Natural events like solar cycles, wildfires, and volcanoes have created dramatic shifts in climate throughout history. Sometimes they even have cultural impact, such as the 'year without a summer' in Europe due to a volcano on the other side of the world, which helped inspire Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein."

Less understood have been underwater events. A new analysis of bronze-age underwater volcanic eruptions is helping researchers better understand the size, hazards and climate impact of their parent eruptions, which will mean more accurate climate simulations in the future.